Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wicked Project Part B

1.             What is the TP knowledge for the solution?  (i.e., how does the technology you have chosen support the teaching strategies and methods you have chosen?)

TP Knowledge is “knowledge of the existence, components, and capabilities of various technologies as they are used in teaching and learning settings, and conversely, knowing how teaching might change as the result of using particular technologies.” The technology that I have chosen to support the methods of parent communication is a classroom website.  A classroom website will help parents up to date on what is happening in the classroom.  Parents will also be able to use it as a resource to help their students with their education.  There will be links and information provided about ways for them to support their child. 

2.             What is the TC knowledge for the solution? (i.e., how specifically does this technology make the content in your problem more intellectually accessible?  Be sure to think about representation.)

TC knowledge is “knowledge about the manner in which technology and content are reciprocally related.” All the parents in my class have a computer with Internet access.  Also many of their phones have internet also.  This technology decreases the likelihood that papers will get missed placed, lost or never make it home to the parent.  Parents will always have access to updates and resources to use to support their child. 
3.             What is the PC knowledge for the solution? (i.e., how specifically do your pedagogical choices make the content in your problem more intellectually accessible?) Be sure to think about how the student will experience the content given these instructional strategies.

PC is “concerned with the representation and formulation of concepts, pedagogical techniques, knowledge of what makes concepts difficult or easy to learn, knowledge of students’ prior knowledge.  At curriculum night next year, I will model and explain how to use our classroom website.  This will give parents an understanding of how the site will be used and will also guide them in how to use it.  After modeling how to use the website to the parents, I will also show the students where they can find resources to use.  Students will be able to find and use the resources on their own.  After modeling how the website will be used, parents will be able to email or talk to me about any questions they have about how communication will take place in the classroom.  


  1. It is wonderful that all parents in your classroom have internet access. Using a classroom website is a great way to share so many things with parents including important dates, links, images, video, etc. Introducing the website at your curriculum night is a great idea. That should really help parents feel comfortable and get involved with the website. Good luck!

  2. I like your idea about modeling and explaining your website to your parents at parent night. It's amazing how many people have internet and don't really know how to use it. Plus if they're anything like me, they are more likely to use it after viewing it and learning about all of it's features and benefits. Your "lesson" may boost their confidence and encourage them to use it.
