Sunday, November 4, 2012

Rhyming Lesson Plan

I will be teaching a lesson on rhyming to kindergarten students.  I will use a SmartBoard game found on here: to have students practice identifying words that rhyme. 

1.     Content:
The big idea that I will be teaching is rhyming.  I will be teaching kindergarten students.  I will be making sure that when words rhyme they sound the same at the end of the word.  One challenge that I will face is some students have a difficulty understand what the end of the word is.   I will use many of examples and repeat the end of the word to help these students understand.  The GLCE that this lesson will focus on is R.WS.00.01 demonstrate phonemic awareness by the wide range of sound manipulation competencies including sound blending and deletion. 
2.    Pedagogy:
I will be scaffolding student learning.  I will start by modeling identifying words that rhyme by giving many examples and pointing out why the words rhyme.  I will then give the students the opportunity to identify words that rhyme.  To extend and stretch the students who have a strong understanding of the concept I will have them produce their own rhyming words. 

I will also activate the student’s prior knowledge by having them identify the end of a word.  Students will have to know what the end of the word is in order to see if it rhymes. 

The different learning types that this lesson will teach to is visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners.  We will use the SmartBoard, which will show a visual of the words, and it will also say the words so the students can hear if they rhyme.  Students will also get up and move around in order to play the game on the touch screen of the SmartBoard. 
3.    Content & Pedagogy:
The strategies will work well for this lesson.  Modeling and scaffolding are very important for young learners.  They can learn a great deal from watching what you are doing and hearing what you are doing.  Teaching to the different learning types will help make sure that I reach all the learners in the classroom.  Having a lesson that teaches in many ways is very important. 

4.    Technology:
The technology that is being used to teach this lesson is a SmartBoard.  The SmartBoard will make the lesson interactive.  The students will be playing a rhyming game on the SmartBoard.  Students will practice identifying words during the game.  The SmartBoard is not absolutely necessary to achieve the objective.  Students can learn about rhyming words in a different way but by using a SmartBoard it makes the learning more interactive.  The SmartBoard will show if students are able to choose a word that rhymes with the given word. 

5.    Technology & Pedagogy:
The technology fits closely in with the strategies that I have chosen to use to teach this lesson.  I will first model using the SmartBoard before students are able to use it on their own.  Once they have an understanding of rhyming words and how to play the game they will be able to use the SmartBoard to practice the concept.  The technology will also help me teach to the different learning styles.  It will be useful to teach to auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners.  The technology adds an interactive aspect to the lesson about rhyming. 
6.    Technology & Content:
The technology will help me teach the students what rhyming words are and how to know if 2 words rhyme.  The SmartBoard will add an interactive aspect to the lesson where they will be able to practice the concept of rhyming.  The technology allows me to differentiate instruction because there are different levels to the game.  If a student is very successful in understanding the concept then I will be able to push them by having them work on a high level on the game. 
I want my students to know that when words rhyme they have the same sound at the end of the word.  I want my students to be able to identify if 2 words rhyme.  I will assess this by observing them playing the rhyming game on the SmartBoard.  If they are unable to complete the game, I will know that they do not understand what it m

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