Thursday, May 3, 2012


Effective teaching strategies:
         I have learned that technology integration has to be deliberate and meaningful.  It is important to thoughtfully integrate technology in order for it to be effective.  Learning about the UDL principles has really helped me to think more deeply when lesson planning.  Thinking about all of the principles has helped me to create successful lesson plans. 

 Integrating web-based technologies:
        Integrating web-based technologies in this course has really helped me realize how I can use technology with my students.  Web quest are one way to first graders can begin to use technology.  The variety of technology that I was introduced to has really opened my eyes to what is available and how different technologies can be used for different things at different times. 

Personal Goals: 
        I have met my personal goals.  I wanted to become        familiar with webpage’s and wiki’s.  During this class I have learned how to create and use each effectively in my classroom.  I plan to continue to develop and explore both. 

New Goals: 

         My goal continues to be to develop my website.  I want to have a    complete website created at the beginning of the next school year.  I want to keep it updated and use it for communication with the parents in my class.